美國移民 America
美國IIUSA所核發2025年IIUSA會員資格標章續簽信 I-956K註冊號PRO000100158號函 美國移民局敲定4/1申請規費調漲 美國移民關於移民美國的4月1日起EB-5收費將大幅上漲 美國移民關於移民美國的移民局即將漲價 EB-5收費或將翻倍 美國移民關於移民美國的EB-5 計畫費用預計將於 2024 年 3 月增加 美國移民關於移民美國的美國移民局將EB-5費用上調推延至2024年3月 美國移民關於移民美國的2023年批准的大多數EB-5 I-526表格都是RIA之前的 美國移民《尊嚴法案》可能會給EB-5帶來大變革--關於移民美國的 什麼是美國移民社會安全卡(SSN)?如何申請?-關於移民美國的 再授權案達成和解,EB-5已經正式重啟 領先的 EB-5 區域中心營運商對 USCIS 提出訴訟(237期) 移民局電話會議與再授權訴訟 美國移民申請I-485的基本要求是什麼? 新法規為EB-5投資者提供同時申請I-485 3月15日EB-5重啟 白宮宣布擴大STEM OPT計劃和其他吸引STEM人才的舉措 美國留學的打工機會 台美簽肥咖條款 重稅伺候20161226 移民局新規定移民種類
世界各地税率-美國移民 美國移民四大途徑 移民美國的捷徑 美國移民EB-1A或EB-2國家利益豁免 美國投資移民EB5-惠安移民 美國親屬移民-惠安移民 美國抽獎移民-配額限制 2026年美國抽籤移民簽證說明 美國非移民簽證表列1 美國非移民簽證表列2 美國移民條約商人(E-1)及條約投資人(E-2)簽證-關於移民美國的下載專區
親屬移民 申請回美證俗稱白皮書 EB-1A或EB-2NIW(國家利益豁免) 美國條約商人(E-1)及條約投資人(E-2)簽證 回美證俗稱白皮書 美國移民抽籤又來了,樂透綠卡抽籤這樣抽 EB-5投資移民美國 美國移民局已於7月8日公告EB-5投資額恢復為50萬 在國會重新授權區域中心計劃之前,USCIS 幾乎肯定不會恢復 90 萬美元的現代化規定。 公民入籍2018年新考題 - 100題考古題在國會重新授權區域中心計劃之前,USCIS 幾乎肯定不會恢復 90 萬美元的現代化規定。
USCIS 不能簽發區域中心規則....了解詳情
USCIS 不能簽發區域中心規則
移民日報了解到,在國會重新授權區域中心計劃之前,USCIS 幾乎肯定不會恢復 90 萬美元的現代化規定。請參閱下文了解原因以及這一點的含義。
• 現在最大的問題是:為什麼?為什麼 USCIS 現在不能使用《行政程序法》中建立的程序,通過法令恢復 90 萬美元的現代化規則?原因是所有法規都需要法定授權。 EB5 現代化規則尤其依賴區域中心計劃的法規作為其法定權力。由於區域中心計劃現已失效,根據法規,目前沒有區域中心。 USCIS 不能對不存在的實體頒布規則。這就是為什麼在國會重新授權 RC 計劃之前,USCIS 不能發布影響區域中心的規則。
• USCIS 可以立即頒布僅適用於直接 EB5 項目的新規則,因為直接 EB5 是在有機移民和歸化法案 (INA) 中,並且直接 EB5 沒有失效,因為它不會失效。然而,要做到這一點,USCIS 將不得不重寫 90 萬美元的現代化規則,以刪除所有對區域中心的引用,這可能會使其變得如此不同,以至於需要一個新的規則制定過程。當國會重新授權 RC 計劃時,USCIS 將需要為區域中心頒布第二條現代化規則。第一條規則不能追溯適用於在發布規則時是幻影實體的實體(從移民法的角度來看,目前 RC 是幻影實體)。因此,USCIS 將不得不進行兩次新的規則制定。僅僅通過直接 EB5 的規則制定過程,這只是整個 EB5 計劃的一小部分,是不合常理的(當然,前提是 USCIS 將在這裡使用常識)。因此,在國會通過重新授權 EB5 區域中心賦予其法定權力之前,USCIS 極不可能恢復 90 萬美元的規定。那會是什麼時候?見下文。
• 國會很忙。它已經處於預算鬥爭之中,並且需要考慮一項龐大的基礎設施法案。如此大規模的立法可能要到 9 月初才能最終確定語言,並要到 9 月下旬才能最終通過。因此 EB5 重新授權的合理最早時間框架是 10 月 1 日。
• EB5 行業中的許多人一直夢想國會將出手相助,並對 EB5 計劃進行重大修改。不幸的是,從國會的角度來看,整個 EB5 計劃只是小菜一碟,我們唯一能希望的是乾淨的重新授權,也許會採取一些誠信措施——但沒有別的。 (注意:不要忘記參議員格雷厄姆 (R-SC) 是唯一負責阻止 RC 計劃重新授權並使整個 EB5 行業陷入當前困境的參議員。)
• 當國會重新授權區域中心計劃時,USCIS 將重新發布其 90 萬美元的 EB5 現代化規定。該機構在三屆總統政府的這些規定上投入了太多資金,因此無法放棄此事。考慮到 Behring 的決定與幾個月後頒布規則之間的長時間延遲,美國公民及移民服務局可能沒有根據 APA 證明“正當理由”在發布後立即適用的臨時最終規則。因此,USCIS 在重新簽發時需要提前 60 天通知。因此:第二個寬限期——所有 RC 都可以在 60 天內以 50 萬美元的價格尋求自由 TEA 的投資。本次寬限期將與 2019 年的寬限期大不相同,我們將在未來的一期中勾勒出第二寬限期的形態及其對 EB5 行業的意義,敬請期待。
USCIS Cannot Issue RC Regs
Immigration Daily has learnt that USCIS will almost certainly NOT reinstate the $900K modernization regulations until Congress reauthorizes the Regional Center Program. Please see below for why, and also for the implications of this point.
• Now the big question: Why? Why cannot USCIS reinstate the $900K modernization rule now by fiat, using the processes established in the Administrative Procedure Act? The reason is that all regulations require statutory authority. The EB5 Modernization Rule relies, inter alia, on the statute for the Regional Center program as its statutory authority. Since the Regional Center program has now lapsed, as a matter of statute there are no Regional Centers at this time. USCIS cannot promulgate rules on non-existent entities. That is why USCIS cannot, until Congress reauthorizes the RC program, issue a rule affecting Regional Centers.
• USCIS can promulgate a new rule applicable only to Direct EB5 projects right away because Direct EB5 is in the organic Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA), and Direct EB5 has not lapsed, since it cannot lapse. However, to do that, USCIS will have to rewrite the $900K modernization rule to remove all references to Regional Centers, which may make it so different as to require a new rule-making process. When the RC program is reauthorized by Congress, USCIS will then need to promulgate a second modernization rule for Regional Centers. The first rule cannot retroactively be applied to entities which were phantom entities when the rule was published (RCs are, at the present time, phantom entities from the point of view of immigration law). So USCIS will have to do fresh rule-making twice. Going through the rulemaking process for just direct EB5, which is a tiny fraction of the overall EB5 program, does not make common sense (provided USCIS will use common sense here, of course). So it is highly unlikely that USCIS will reinstate the $900K rule until Congress gives it statutory authority by reauthorizing EB5 Regional Centers. When will that be? See below.
• Congress is busy. It is already in the midst of budgetary fights and has before it a massive infrastructure bill to consider. Legislation of this magnitude will take probably till early September to finalize language for and till late September for final passage. So a reasonable earliest time frame for EB5 reauthorization is Oct 1.
• Many in the EB5 industry keep dreaming that Congress will ride to the rescue and will modify the EB5 program significantly. Unfortunately, the EB5 program as a whole is small potatoes from Congress’s perspective, and the only thing we can hope for is clean reauthorization, with perhaps some integrity measures tacked on--but nothing else. (Note: Let no one forget that Senator Graham (R-SC) is the sole senator responsible for stopping the reauthorization of the RC program and putting the entire EB5 industry in its current predicament.)
• When Congress does reauthorize the Regional Center program, USCIS will then move to reissue its $900K EB5 Modernization regulations. The agency has invested too much in these regulations over three Presidential administrations to drop the matter. Given the long delay between the Behring decision and promulgation of a rule months afterward, there may be no basis for USCIS to show “good cause“ per the APA to make an interim final rule applicable immediately upon publication. USCIS will therefore need to give 60 day notice when reissuing. Ergo: A SECOND GRACE PERIOD -- where all RCs can seek investment at $500K with liberal TEAs for 60 days. This Second Grace Period will be considerably different from the grace period of 2019, we will sketch out the shape of the Second Grace Period and what it means to the EB5 industry in a future issue, stay tuned.
Disclaimer: We are not legal experts (we are law publishers, not legal experts - we do, however, claim some expertise in forecasting Congressional action). Though we are confident about the legal argument above, and the logical inferences therefrom, we welcome comments and criticism. If we do change our mind on the hereinabove due to comments and criticism we receive, we will acknowledge it publicly and give full credit to the people who point out our errors either by name or anonymously (as per their choice).